Sure, you know that the Space bar in the iOS virtual keyboard types a space character. But did you realize that if you tap it twice, it inserts a period? (Probably, but if not, now you do.) That’s to make it easier to provide proper punctuation, which will have the added benefit of irritating your kids when you text them. Even better, if you touch and hold the Space bar in iOS 12 or later, that invokes the trackpad mode that lets you move the insertion point around in your text. It’s way easier than previous methods of navigating in text and makes it so you can more easily edit what you write. Which, as a bonus, will also bug your kids.
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How to change the saving path of my screen recording?
Dosent filter anything
I have tried all of them and still unable to send pictures messages to android users. Help please
I wish I would have stayed with High Sierra or Catalina. Big Sur doesn't work with Time Machine, Messages, Spotlight…
My updated my Mac with Big Sur and it is stuck and says it has less than a minute to…