You use Copy and Paste, but did you know that, with a clipboard utility, you can paste previously copied items and filter or edit data on the clipboard?

You use Copy and Paste, but did you know that, with a clipboard utility, you can paste previously copied items and filter or edit data on the clipboard?
For many years, Apple’s Reminders app let you sort your lists, but in just one way that applied to all lists equally. Read this article to learn how to sort lists the way you want, and sync across devices.
Take some time to check for and update compromised, vulnerable, and weak passwords. Start with more important sites, and, as time permits, move on to accounts that don’t contain confidential information.
Don’t share the wrong calendar items with the wrong people! Learn how to avoid this now.
Have you started your holiday cards? With a little work in Apple’s Photos app on the Mac, you can send cards personalized with your favorite family photos from the past year. Learn how now on Austin MacWorks.
Dosent filter anything
I have tried all of them and still unable to send pictures messages to android users. Help please
I wish I would have stayed with High Sierra or Catalina. Big Sur doesn't work with Time Machine, Messages, Spotlight…
My updated my Mac with Big Sur and it is stuck and says it has less than a minute to…
This was extremely helpful and just what I was looking for! The Carbon Copy Cloner is still holding back my…