Image modified from an original by Vitabello from Pixabay
Whenever Apple releases hot new hardware, it’s tempting to order the latest and greatest and then put your old Mac or iPhone up for sale on a classifieds site like Craigslist. If you do that, be cautious about potential buyers—it’s increasingly common for a scammer to request that you ship them the device and then to “pay” you by forging payment email from PayPal or using a stolen PayPal account (whose owner will likely get PayPal to take the money back from you). Instead, insist on an in-person meeting in a public place and payment in cash or via a digital method like Apple Pay Cash or Venmo that can’t be canceled once you accept the money. Or, if the location and payment amount (under $1000) work, meet in a nearby post office and request payment via money order (US or Canada) that you can verify on the spot. Craigslist has more advice.
Dosent filter anything
I have tried all of them and still unable to send pictures messages to android users. Help please
I wish I would have stayed with High Sierra or Catalina. Big Sur doesn't work with Time Machine, Messages, Spotlight…
My updated my Mac with Big Sur and it is stuck and says it has less than a minute to…
This was extremely helpful and just what I was looking for! The Carbon Copy Cloner is still holding back my…